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Flexibility harvesting and its impact on stakeholder interaction

B. Herndler, C.Y. Evrenosoglu, M. Gianluigi, H. Gerard, I. Vilgan, J.P. Chaves, K. Kessels, M. Rossi, P. Lo, S. Wong

Spanish layman's summary:

Este informe presenta los mecanismos de coordinación necesarios para garantizar que la interacción entre todos los agentes involucrados, así como que sus funciones y responsabilidades estén claramente establecidas para permitir la flexibilidad del sistema eléctrico a diferentes niveles y con diferentes fines.

English layman's summary:

This report presents the coordination mechanisms required to ensure that the interaction between all stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities are clearly established to enable power system flexibility at different levels for different purposes.


Keywords: TSO-DSO coordination, Power system flexibility, stakeholders’ interaction

IIT Project: ISGAN-2020 (ISGAN-2020)

Funding entity: International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN).

Publication date: 01-12-2022


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